Kimberlee Weatherall

Panel: Legal and Ethical Challenges of AI 

3:00pm – 4:00pm

The “Race” to Regulate

The discussion over “regulation of AI” is at an … interesting juncture, with Australia in the midst of a Commonwealth-government led process aiming to identify what, if any changes need to be made to our legal and regulatory system to ensure human and societal interests are protected in the race to extend the use of artificial intelligence and related technologies. Among the many interesting questions and challenges being raised in this discussion, Weatherall is thinking about two in particular. The first is: what changes do emerging technologies and uses of AI and automation bring that require us to perhaps rethink not just the obvious areas of law (privacy, discrimination) but more. And the second is: if we are convinced that problems are emerging, how, within the practical constraints of Australia’s parliamentary democracy and regulatory system, do we address them? If we can’t get to perfect, what would be good enough?



Professor Kimberlee Weatherall is a Professor of Law at the University of Sydney focusing on the regulation of technology and intellectual property law, and a Chief Investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society, where she works on research around the regulation of automated decision-making and AI, as well as the control, ownership, linking and use of data. She is a Fellow at the Gradient Institute, a research institute developing ethical AI, and a research affiliate of the Humanising Machine Intelligence group at the Australian National University, and a co-chair of the Australian Computer Society’s Advisory Committee on AI Ethics.


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